Nanotechnology: Science and Computation
(with 126 figures and 10 tables)
Book Description:
Nanoscale science and computing is becoming a major research area as today's scientists try to understand the processes of natural and biomolecular computing. The field is concerned with the architectures and design of molecular self-assembly, nanostructures and molecular devices, and with understanding and exploiting the computational processes of biomolecules in nature. This book offers a unique and authoritative perspective on current research in nanoscale science, engineering and computing. Leading researchers cover the topics of DNA self-assembly in two-dimensional arrays and three-dimensional structures, molecular motors, DNA word design, molecular electronics, gene assembly, surface layer protein assembly, and membrane computing. The book is suitable for academic and industrial scientists and engineers working in nanoscale science, in particular researchers engaged with the idea of computing at a molecular level.
Book Info:
Published in 2006
Published by Springer
Author Junghuei Chen
ISBN 3540302956 .
Size 6.00MB
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